Saturday, September 4, the cross country team began the competition season at the Colton Swarm Invitational at Colton HS. The athletes ran 3 miles in sweltering heat! Two athletes have already set new personal records (PRs) in the first race of the season! - Simon Worku (11) with a time of 17:14, a 44 second PR - Nathan Lin (12) with a time of 18:59, a 4 second PR The athletes competed in grade-level races, top ten athletes in each race earned medals. Medal winners: Carissa Jeon (12) - 4th Simon Worku (11) - 4th L’Mio Edwards (10) - 1st Jianlan Busteed (10) - 8th Arath Gonzalez (9) - 10th Grade-level team awards require a minimum of 5 athletes to score, we had two grade level teams with enough athletes to score and both earned awards! Team awards: Junior boys - 3rd Freshman girls - 2nd