Your very own Brahma team competed April 30 & May 1 at the National Science Bowl competition in Chevy-Chase, Maryland. They played brilliantly, showing a strong competitive spirt and sportsmanship. Beyond their academic prowess, Miriram Sun (12th-Cal Tech), Leslie Sim (11th), Jeff Chow (12th MIT), Ben Chen (11th), and Brandon Hung (11th) competed with class and poise.<br><br>After losing the first two rounds, our team regrouped and won six consecutive rounds by impressive margins. In the last round, down 14 points and on the last question, the kids buzzed in before the other team, answered the given question and the bonus question, given us the 14 needed points, ending the game in a tie.<br><br>We ended up in third place in our division, got second on our lab practical, and left an indelible mark at the event. We were one point away from moving on to the next round.<br>We were by far one of the largest public schools at the competition.