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Bulletin Board » Google Accounts & MS Office For Students

Google Accounts & MS Office For Students


All Diamond Bar High School students have district e-mail accounts. The accounts they have been using to access Google Drive, Google Docs and Google Classroom will now also give them access to Gmail. Student WVUSD Gmail accounts look like this: 6-digit ID#@stu.wvusd.org.

The district has been working on adding this feature because a lot of tools middle and high school teachers use with students such as Aeries, Edmodo, Google Classroom, Big Ideas and Turnitin, allow teachers to send notifications through e-mail. Teachers have often had a problem connecting with students because either the students did not have accounts or the account that was in Parent Portal had not been updated.

The district has to meet strict legal requirements when rolling out student e-mail access. For that reason, students will be limited to e-mailing student and staff e-mail accounts within our district, with a few exceptions. Here is a list of e-mail domains to which they can send and from which that can receive:



@sched.org (for event scheduling apps)

They can receive messages sent from these district services: Blackboard, Turnitin, Edmodo and outside educational institutions with addresses that end in .edu, such as colleges.

When students address messages to other students, they can use the address that contains their ID# or they can start typing that student’s name in the TO line. Auto complete will show student addresses that match that name.

Students can access their WVUSD Google e-mail accounts on any computer, phone or tablet. Computers located throughout our school, including our library, are available for all students.

If a student has a problem accessing his or her account, they can contact our Technology Coordinator Randy Thomas at [email protected]



You can now RESET your school Google account password, while at school. Go to a school Windows computer, log into Windows and press CTRL + ALT + DEL. Then choose CHANGE PASSWORD. If you do not know your password or need assistance, contact Mr. Thomas at [email protected]

TRANSFERRING YOUR SCHOOL GOOGLE FILES: You can use this Google Tool to create an archive that can be imported into your personal account before you graduate.





STUDENTS: You can now create your Parent Portal account, without the need for a verification code. You can use your SCHOOL GOOGLE account and password to access your Parent Portal account. Enter your school Google account student ID#@stu.wvusd.org and password. You can then click "Sign in with Google".





All Walnut Valley Unified School District students now have FREE access to Office 365. Students can edit Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents in a web browser. 


In addition, students are able to download and install for FREE the Microsoft Office Suite on up to five personal devices at home! This includes versions of Microsoft Office for your PC, Mac, tablet and phone. Your license to use the software will last until you leave our school district. 


Follow the directions in the file posted below. If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Mr. Thomas at [email protected].


1)  Go to https://www.microsoft365.com/ 

2)  Log in with your WVUSD email (([email protected])

4)  Click the INSTALL AND MORE drop down menu in the upper right

5)  Choose INSTALL MICROSOFT 365 apps

6)     Click the INSTALL OFFICE button

