Diamond BarHigh School

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Fall Registration/GLC Meetings - July 8 - August 1        First Day Of School - Mon, August 12

Korean IB HL1 & HL 2 Class Assignments

Health & Humanities

Read the class rules thoroughly. Then turn it in with the signatures of your parents as well as you by the 19th of August

You will be assigned a news project where will interview someone you consider to be a personal hero. It must be at least 5 minutes in length for each person and must be done in a professional manner(e.g. formal clothing, words, etc.)

                           First project for IB HL1 & IB HL2

1st project is " My the most memorable day or event ". A picture(memorable event) with your own picture should be on it and present. Korean should be on it. Due date is Aug.22


                            Second project for IB HL1 & IB HL2

 Creating Korean your own group movie with K-Pop & talents. Professional appearance should be in it. All Korean language or translation in it. Length should be at least 10 minutes excluding reflection each group. All Korean language or translation in it. Turn in USB or CD with your name tag on time.

Due date is Dec.4



Mini Project's Due is Feb.5



You should make culture movie making project ( should include traditional Korean culture) by May 18.

 Final Project(Culture) due is May 10

  • Guide lines:
  • 1. Korean culture should be in(Ex. Play, Taekwondo, songs, clothes, foods, movie  etc. with short ads) your project & speech in your own story related Korean culture.
  • 2. Greeting & reflection should be in ( in good Korean culture manner way)
  • 3.Talent (group or individual)--extra effort point

   *K-4 & IB  SL & HL1,2 (Korean only to do  for the culture project)

    * 3 students are recommended for each group(at least 5 minutes for each student ) 

     * Each group should turn in USB or CD with proper tag(name, status, period etc.)


You can use sample questions(Interview project) if you want to do. 4-5  minutes each person at least for your project. You can check sample questions of Korean 4 & IB class.

You have to turn in your history project(5 pg. including cover page) soon.

1. IKEN e-book
2. Newspaper (links to major Korean newspapers, TV, radio, etc.
3. Yahoo Dictionary
4. 맞춤법
5. Typing (Korean)
6. Hanstyle
8. Culture/History
9. National Museum of Korea

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Research Project