Diamond BarHigh School

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Honors English 1-Period 5

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Of Mice and Men - Expressing Loneliness  in Google Classroom

Of Mice and Men - Expressing Loneliness

Complete the questions in your groups.  One person may turn it in, and include all the group member names in the private comments.


March Journals in Google Classroom

March Journals

9.  We will be reading Of Mice and Men.  Write a paragraph on the biography of John Steinbeck. 

10. Write one story from today's CNN Student News.  3/12

11.  Steinbeck emphasizes the use of dreams throughout Of Mice and Men. Lennie dreams of owning his own ranch, while George dreams of independence. What are some dreams you have for yourself? How do dreams shape your life? What happens when you don’t achieve your dream?

12. Recall a situation where you felt powerless. Were you truly powerless, or did you really have some options? Was it frustrating to be powerless or a relief not to have to make a choice?