Diamond BarHigh School

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Late Start Schedule - Wed, Sept 18        End of 1st 6-Week Grading Period - Fri, Sept 20        Homecoming Game - Fri, Sept 20               Homecoming Dance - Sat, Sept 21               Choir Concert - Sept 26 & 27               Instrumental Music Concert - Mon, Sept 30

Advanced and Intermediate Performance Ensemble

Course Description

Experience required and/or Audition required   The Performance Ensemble Classes will provide exciting opportunities for students that have serious aspirations to continue to be involved in the discipline of dance after high school.  Students will be provided with additional support and resources to prepare them for careers and collegiate opportunities in the dance world.  Students in thsi course get the opportunity to choreogprah and audition to perform student choreography in the school concerts.  Students will colloaborate with one another to construct pieces to auditioned for the concert each semester.  In order to be placed in this class you must have had one full year of dance at DBHS with a "B" grade or higher.  If you have dance experience but have not had dance at DBHS contact Ms. Lindenberg for proper class placement.