Diamond BarHigh School

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Fall Play - Oct 4 & 5      Late Start Schedule - Wed, Oct 9      NO SCHOOL (Pupil/Teacher-free day) - Fri, Oct 11  


Course Description




Welcome to Korean Class and Learning will take place through lecture, exploring textbook, discussions, group activities(including project such as K-POP dance etc.), videos, creative projects, Korean songs, of course, tests and quizzes as well as essay(with research paper for IB class). Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to demonstrate that they are effective communicators by obtaining levels of competency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing as effective communication skills. This course will emphasize on developing students' ability to think critically, problem solving creatively, and analyze text meaningfully in order to help students prepare college, career and life.Good study habits will be developed and are essential to understanding and learning the information presented in class.



  • e-book(Ikeneducate.org) & Dynamic Korean & Reading Book  
  • Korean – English dictionary 
  • Pencil, eraser, color pencils, marker& eraser, 250 index cards(4x6), index

   card ring

  • Spiral Notebook for class work (at least 70 pages) & Three ring binder   
  • Syllabus (incl. classroom policy)
  • Homework/Assignments


The total points earned by each student will be calculated proportionally by the total possible points and the percent grading scale is as follows:

  1. Class work(15%) - Written competency including written activities and class projects 
  2. Homework(15%) - At least 3 assignments per week including cultural  entry
  3. Tests(20%) - Quizzes with or without notices
  4. Participation in class discussion and activities(25%) - 5 pt. off not participating in each class
  5. Projects(20%) - Points will be deducted if late.
  6. Culture(5%) - Based on use of honorific manner(Korean Culture) at school and home including good citizen
  7. All unit and semester tests will be administered to students on an individual basis. Tests can be made depending on the situation of each class.

