Diamond BarHigh School

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College & Career Fair - Day 2 CSU Day

College & Career Fair - Day 2 CSU Day
9/21/2021, 4:30 PM 7:30 PM

4:30 p.m.


The CSU System – Before, During and After the Application Spanish

  • Leave this workshop with an understanding of what to prepare for on the CSU application, how to avoid common mistakes, and the importance of following through after the application is sent.

El sistema CSU: antes, durante y después de la aplicación (Español)

  • Salga de este taller con un entendimiento de cómo prepararse en la solicitud de CSU, cómo evitar errores comunes y la importancia de seguir adelante después de que se envíe la solicitud.

5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

CSU Representatives Breakout Rooms

Each breakout room will be divided into sessions that will occur concurrently every 30-minutes and consist of a presentation from representatives followed by Q & A. You will be able to switch rooms at any time during and at the end of each session.

  • Room 1: Cal Poly Pomona, CSU Dominguez Hills, & CSU Maritime Academy

  • Room 2: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, San Francisco State University, & CSU Monterey Bay

  • Room 3: CSU Fullerton, Humboldt State University, & CSU East Bay

  • Room 4: CSU Long Beach, CSU San Bernardino, & CSU Sacramento

  • Room 5: CSU Los Angeles, CSU Fresno, & Sonoma State University


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