Diamond BarHigh School

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Late Start Schedule - Wed, Mar 5           NO SCHOOL (Professional Development for Staff) - Fri, Mar 7           Miss Diamond Bar Pageant - Sun, Mar 9           State Testing - Mar 17 - 21

College & Career Fair - Day 3 UC Day

College & Career Fair - Day 3 UC Day
9/22/2021, 4:30 PM 7:30 PM

4:30 p.m.


Understanding the UC System and the Application Process

  • The UC system is one of the most highly sought after educational institutions in the country. Learn the focus of the 9 undergraduate schools, admission procedures and the application process.

Comprensión del sistema UC y el proceso de solicitud (Español)

  • El sistema UC es una de las instituciones educativas más solicitadas del país. Conozca el enfoque de las 9 escuelas de pregrado, los procedimientos de admisión y el proceso de solicitud.

NCSA - Sports Recruiting Informational

  • Want to play college sports? Learn how to qualify academically and how to find athletic scholarships.

5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

UC Representatives Breakout Rooms

Each breakout room will be divided into sessions that will occur concurrently every 30-minutes and consist of a presentation from representatives followed by Q & A. You will be able to switch rooms at any time during and at the end of each session.

  • Room 1: UC Berkeley & UC Merced

  • Room 2: UC Irvine & UC Riverside

  • Room 3: UC Santa Barbara & UC Santa Cruz

  • Room 4: UC San Diego & UC Los Angeles


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