GLCs will soon visit English classes to discuss course offerings for next year. One of the courses is Robotics, taught by Mr. Johnny Hwang. He, with the assistance of Mr. Maine, has put together a short video to give you some idea what the robots you build and program will be able to do. CLICK HERE to see it.
GRADES 10-12
PREREQUISITE: Computer Systems or IC3; completion
of Geometry with a C or better; completion of Biology with
a C or better.
This course will introduce students to the science of
mechanical design, and computer programming through
the building of robots using the Lego Mindstorms NXT kits.
The various robotic projects that will be completed
throughout the year will tie together many disciplines
taught in the classroom e.g. computer science, physics,
biology, industrial design, math, psychology, and
engineering. Students will be presented with modular
challenges that they most solve collaboratively, and they
must, critically, thoughtfully, and creatively, come up with
solutions to these challenges in their design and
application. Students will be expected to blog, journal,
and document their learning for each module through
building websites and writing student reports. The course
will culminate in the class participating in various
competitions, expositions and demonstrations on and off
campus. Repeatable for credit. (Applied Arts)
GRADES 10-12
PREREQUISITE: Computer Systems or IC3; completion
of Geometry with a C or better; completion of Biology with
a C or better.
This course will introduce students to the science of
mechanical design, and computer programming through
the building of robots using the Lego Mindstorms NXT kits.
The various robotic projects that will be completed
throughout the year will tie together many disciplines
taught in the classroom e.g. computer science, physics,
biology, industrial design, math, psychology, and
engineering. Students will be presented with modular
challenges that they most solve collaboratively, and they
must, critically, thoughtfully, and creatively, come up with
solutions to these challenges in their design and
application. Students will be expected to blog, journal,
and document their learning for each module through
building websites and writing student reports. The course
will culminate in the class participating in various
competitions, expositions and demonstrations on and off
campus. Repeatable for credit. (Applied Arts)