Late Start Schedule - Wed, Feb 19 End Of 6-Week Grading Period - Fri, Feb 21 Open House - Thurs, Feb 27 Minimum Day - Fri, Feb 28 NO SCOOL (Professional Development for Staff) - Fri, Mar 7
Letter To Freshmen Parents - Freshman Academic Plans
Class of 2013
Grade Level Coordinators
Kevin Patterson & Jack Galeener
Class of 2013 Parents/Guardians,
Three topics to review with you:
Topic #1:Recently the Class of 2013-Freshmen heard and participated in a presentation by their Grade Level Coordinators on Careers and their 4-Year Academic Plan.Each student was given a Career Portfolio, Blue Folder, to use over the next 3+ years.Honors, awards etc. can be kept in this folder so that when our students become seniors they will have these items organized when preparing their Senior Profile, Resume.
Please ask your student to share this information with you.Each student received:
Career Portfolio
Outline of the Career and Academic Presentation
DBHS 4-Year Planning Worksheet with sample 4-Year plans
UC/CSU Required (A-G) Admission Requirements
DBHS Graduation Requirements
The Preparation for College Calendar
Each student should complete an Academic Plan for the remaining 3 years of high school.This plan will assist students in registering for courses and preparing for college.
You will also be able to find these documents, with the exception of the career portfolio, on our school website, under Guidance and The Class of 2013.
Topic #2:Registering for the Academic Year 2010-2011-Sophomore Year.Beginning the week of March 22nd through April 2nd, we will be in the English classrooms presenting to all of our freshman students information for Sophomore course registration.Each student will have one week, including the weekend, to share this information with parents/guardians and to prepare their course request form.We hope that the course selections are made by students with the assistance of their parents/guardians.These forms will be due the week of March 29th, specific due date will be given to your student upon presentation of the materials. These materials will be placed on our school website, under Guidance and The Class of 2013 on March 26th after we have visited each classroom.
Topic #3:Summer School Information.Summer School Information for the upcoming summer-2010 is available on our school website, will also discuss this information with each student during our classroom presentations the next two weeks.Some students will need to take summer school to make up courses not passed during 9th grade.Other students may choose to take courses for advancement purposes.Keep in mind, that unless a student is making up a course that has been failed, summer school is not required.Summer school session dates, registration dates etc. are all included on our school website under Summer School.