Diamond BarHigh School

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April 26, 2022


CLASS OF 2025 GLC NEWSLETTER:    Volume 1  Issue 9



Greetings Class of 2025 Students and Parents,


Class of 2025-Diamond Bar High School 9th Graders


As your Grade Level Coordinators-GLCs, we will work with you and guide you through the next four years of your schooling here at DBHS.  Periodically, we will send out a GLC Newsletter with timely announcements which affect our class.  We encourage parents and students to closely read these GLC Newsletters and avoid missing out on important topics, deadlines, announcements etc.




  1. Students must communicate with their GLC prior to departing for summer vacation if a semester 2 course grade or grades fall short of meeting a 10th grade course pre-requisite.  For example, if a student has selected English II Honors for 10th grade and the student earns a grade of (B) for semester 2 English I, then the student has fallen short of the required grade of (A-) or higher in English I to take English II Honors.  In this case, the student MUST notify their GLC prior to departing for summer or as soon as a final grade is determined.  GLCs may be able to adjust the course requests to reflect this change.  Making this type of change at our GLC meeting is not ideal and it is challenging as all 2,500 students have been scheduled before we start our July 5th meetings.   Adjusting classes at the meeting may result in additional schedule adjustments including loss of a requested elective course.
  2. If a Class of 2025 student adds a summer school course, which has not previously been shared with their GLC, and the summer course will alter the 10th grade course requests, the student must notify their GLC of this added summer course as soon as class is added.  The GLC will attempt to adjust the requested 10th grade courses with this new summer course considered.



Our semester 2, 12-week grading period ended Friday, April 8, 2022 and teachers have recently submitted 12-week progress grades.  We encourage our students and parents to check out progress grades via Aeries Portal.



DBHS is offering Math Boot Camps for students once again!  These are ideal opportunities for all students to receive extra instruction in their specific level of math.  The Math Boot Camps will help students prepare for their upcoming Final Exams.  The Boot Camps are offered on May 7th and May 21st from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.  See the link below for instructions on registering for one or both of the Math Boot Camps.








It seems like we just welcomed our 9th graders to DBHS, but we are 4 short school weeks away from starting semester 1 Final exams the week of May 23rd.  Last day of school is Thursday, May 26, 2022.  Students need to keep focused and stay attentive to the details as we close out their 9th grade year.




At this time, all class of 2025 students should have an appointment set to meet with their GLC this summer during the July registration period of July 5-29, 2022.  Parent and student must attend this meeting and participate in all of the registration stations as we prepare for 10th grade.  If parents are unaware of the scheduled meeting date and time, please consult with your student.  Confirmation of this appointment was emailed to your student via their school email account.

  • Students should bring to their GLC registration meeting their completed summer school grades.  Appropriate progress in a summer class may be necessary for a student to be placed in requested courses for 10th



Our summer school sessions are gearing up.  Classes will meet starting Monday, June 6th through Thursday, July 14.


If a student realizes that he/she will earn a grade of ( D+, D, D-, F ) in their semester 2 English I, Algebra I or Modern World History course, the student should notify their GLC as early as possible and prior to departing for summer.  The GLC may be able to assist the student and help place them in the appropriate class this summer to correct the grade.  Remember, grades of ( D+, D, D- ) still earn graduation credit and do not need to be repeated for graduation purposes.  However, grades of ( D+, D, D- ) earned in (A-G) college-preparation courses must be repeated for university-admission purposes.  4-year universities need students to earn grades of (C-) or higher in (A-G) college preparation courses.  If the student still desires to keep a 4-year university option available, then repeating an (A-G) course in which a grade of (D+, D, D-, F) is earned must be done.  Classes other than English I, Algebra I, or Modern World History may be added the first day of summer session, June 6th.  Adding these other courses is dependent on available spaces.  Students should report to the DBHS theater the morning of June 6th by 7:15 am to participate in the adding process.  Reminder:  Many summer courses are tuition-based.



We are often asked if DBHS requires any community service hours for graduation.  DBHS does not have a community service or volunteer-hours requirement.  We do however encourage our students to become involved with our community via volunteer opportunities and we encourage our students to have a well-rounded extra-curricular schedule.  Well-rounded, but not overwhelming is the key…Quality of involvement in extra-curricular activities over Quantity of activities is important.   Students should keep track of any community service or volunteer hours in case a future employer or college asks the student to verify their involvement.  See the link below for an example of a document students may use to keep track of the hours of extra-curricular involvement.





We continue to emphasize to our students the importance of appropriate behavior with cell-phone use, and participation in social media.  Below is a link to helpful resources from Cyber Safety Cop and Clayton Cranford, a respected law enforcement expert on social media and social media and teens





Mr. Patterson and Mrs. Duenas along with all DBHS Grade Level Coordinators are out on campus during our morning break (Brunch) and during lunch.  It is a great time to stop and talk with us.  Mr. Patterson floats to all parts of our campus and Mrs. Duenas is near the DBHS Theater and the main quad/Brahma Statue.   As we discussed during our summer meeting, emailing us is also a great way to reach us.  Email addresses are below.  In addition, any GLC on campus can reach Mr. Patterson or Mrs. Duenas for your student and our guidance secretaries in Office 106 (Mrs. McCurry and Mrs. Tampio) will also reach us for your student when asked.



In addition to having Mr. Patterson and Mrs. Duenas as sources of support on campus, we have these professionals also available to support students:


Mrs. Lauren Osajima-Intervention Counselor-Office 277

Mrs. Stacy Woodward-School Psychologist-Office 252

Mrs. Inger Turner-School Psychologist-Office 252

Wellness Center-Peer Counselors available for all students during period 4 and during lunch-Office 254


Kevin Patterson            Students Last Name A-Lio                  [email protected]

Stephanie Duenas        Students Last name Lip-Z                   [email protected]




Kevin R. Patterson    Stephanie Duenas

Grade Level Coordinators-Class of 2025

Diamond Bar High School
