Diamond BarHigh School

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Thanksgiving Break - Nov 25-29          Late Start Schedule - Wed, Dec 4          Rally Schedule - Fri, Dec 6

Artists Win Korean-American Contest

Congratulations to Brahma junior Annabell Jin from AP Studio Art for being selected as the ‘2023 1st Place Korean American Day Art Contest Winner’! The idea behind her work was about this year’s contest theme ‘Korean Pride’. Being prideful of something or someone isn’t easily done nor is it easily obtained. However, with inspirational people like Ahn Changho, Young Kim, Michelle Park Steel, Marilyn Strickland, and Andy Kim, Korean Americans can’t help but boast and be proud of them. What truly connected these influential people together was their pride for their country. Annabell will be presented with a plaque and $100 scholarship during a ceremony on January 13th 2023 at the Korean Education Center in Los Angeles. Congratulations to a very worthy recipient Annabell Yi! 
Congratulations to Brahma senior Jessica Leung from Studio Art for being selected as the ‘2023 1st Place Korean American Day Art Contest Winner’! The idea behind Jessica’s art was to showcase how Koreans and Korean Americans have impacted American entertainment. Television shows, movies, music, and sporting events are all unified under the fact that people around the world can experience these things through their TVs and personal devices. This has allowed Korean Americans to share their talent and skills on an international level and be proud of what they have accomplished. She will be presented with a plaque and $100 scholarship during a ceremony on January 13th 2023 at the Korean Education Center in Los Angeles. Congratulations to the ultra talented Jessica Leung! 