Diamond BarHigh School

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Class of 2025 GLC Newsletter: Volume 3 Issue 6
Greetings Class of 2025 Students and Parents,
Class of 2025-Diamond Bar High School 11th Graders
As your Grade Level Coordinators-GLCs, we will work with you and guide you through your high school experience here at DBHS.  Periodically, we will send out a GLC Newsletter with timely announcements which affect our class.  We encourage parents and students to closely read these GLC Newsletters and avoid missing out on important topics, deadlines, announcements etc.
Use the link below to register and to view future Math Boot Camp dates.  Registration is required.                      
Next March Boot Camp:  March 23.
Workshops for University Bound Students Coming this May-Save the Dates!
Mr. Patterson and Mrs. Duenas will be conducting College Application Workshops for our college-bound 11th graders on Wednesday, May 1st and Thursday, May 2nd during lunch in the DBHS Theater.  The workshops will primarily focus on preparing for the Cal State University-CSU, University of California-UC and Private and Out of State Applications (The Common Application).  We will discuss how to access these application sites and we will review requirements to be a candidate for these universities.  In addition, we will provide our students with the Personal Insight Questions (PIQ) used by the UC campuses during the admissions’ process so students can work on their responses over the summer.  GLCs will also review the timelines and process for students looking to start their college work at the community college. 
12th Grade Course Planning/Registration
Parents:  We have completed our visits to our 11th Grade English classes.  During these past few weeks, we have worked with our 11th graders as they selected their 12th grade courses.
Juniors:  Please keep in mind that the courses you have selected decide which courses our academic leaders, our Instructional Deans-Assistant Principal and Principal offer for the 2024-2025 school year.  We remind you that changing these course selections is only allowed in isolated situations so our 2024-2025 academic offerings are an accurate reflection of student course requests.
Summer School 2024
Rosters have been posted for summer school 2024!  If you have registered for summer school 2024, please check the appropriate website to see if you are enrolled in the class!  If you are still interested in a summer course it still may be possible to register or to request to be placed on a waiting list.  Go to the Summer School link at www.dbhs.org.
Dream-Plan-Pursue…We encourage our students to dream about what they want out of life, make a plan and pursue the plan!
College Search Calendar
We have encouraged our students who plan on applying to 4-year universities for the Fall of 2025 (After graduating from DBHS) to develop a list of universities which meet the wants and needs of the student.  Creating this list now will allow students time to visit prospective universities this spring and summer.  
Suggested Timeline for other important College Search Steps:
March 2024 and Beyond:  Continue creating a list of prospective universities.  Start planning college visits for spring and summer.
March 2024 and Beyond:  If you are planning on taking the SAT or ACT or retaking the exam, now is the time.
April and May 2024:  Reach out to teachers, coaches, employers who would be willing to write a letter of recommendation for you.  Keep in mind, teachers may have several students choosing them as a letter writer and they can’t write letters for all of their students.
May 2024:  Attend the GLC College Application workshops.  Suggested:  Mr. Patterson’s students attend on Wednesday, May 1st and Mrs. Duenas’ students attend on Thursday, May 2nd.  Workshops will be held at lunchtime in the DBHS Theater.
June, May, July, August 2024:  Work on your college application essay responses.
August, September 2024:  Finalize your list of colleges to which you will apply. Complete the process for requesting letters of recommendations from your GLC.  Following directions carefully and meeting deadlines is extremely important!
A-G UC/CSU University of California and California State University Approved Course List/Requirements
Your GLCs keep track of your courses very closely.  We will monitor your progress towards meeting DBHS graduation requirements and we will monitor your progress towards meeting your CSU and UC A-G Admission Course requirements.  Students may discuss these issues with their GLC anytime during their high school career at DBHS-GLCs welcome questions from our students.  GLCs also review these requirements with students and parents each summer during our GLC summer meetings!  The DBHS Course Description Book will also provide a description of the courses and whether or not the course qualifies as an A-G course.  See Class of 2025 Webpage.  https://dbhs.wvusd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=2087727&type=d&pREC_ID=2136131
Students should take responsibility for their graduation requirements and for their CSU and UC A-G course requirements.  See the list below as a reminder of these CSU and UC A-G admission requirements
listed in A-G order.  Courses taken during all four years of high school will be considered for subject requirements as long as grades of C- or higher are earned in the courses.
  1. HISTORY:  2 years/4 semesters of history social science including 1-year of U.S. History (Modern American or APUSH) and 1 year of World History (AP European History counts as World History)
  2. ENGLISH:  4 years of College-Preparatory English.  1 Year of ELD III may be used but not as a 12th grade course.
  3. MATHEMATICS:  3 years of Math:  Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II are minimums.
  4. SCIENCE:  2 years of Science.  1 year of Life Science (Such as Biology) and 1 Year of Physical Science (Such as Chemistry or Culinary Science-Chem.)
  5. LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH/FOREIGN LANGUAGE:  2 years of a language other than English.  The 2 years must be in the same language.
  6. VISUAL PERFORMING ARTS:  1 year of a course in the following areas:  Dance, Music, Theater, Visual Arts or Interdisciplinary Arts)
  7. COLLEGE-PREPARATORY ELECTIVE:  1 year of elective work chosen from any area on the A-G course list.  This could be a 4th year of math or a 3rd year of Science or a 3rd year of Foreign Language or any other Approved course on the DBHS A-G Approved Course list.
Class of 2025 students should check their high school course work and compare the courses to the list above. 
Category (F) Visual Performing Arts should be checked carefully by the student to ensure this requirement is satisfied during the four years of high school.
Check out the DBHS Approved A-G Course List:

Mrs. Lauren Osajima-Intervention Counselor-Office 277
Mrs. Stacy Woodward-School Psychologist-Office 252
Mrs. Inger Turner-School Psychologist-Office 252
Wellness Center-Peer Counselors available for all students during periods 2-3-4 and during lunch-Room 254
Kevin Patterson             Students Last Name A-Lio                  [email protected]
Stephanie Duenas        Students Last name Lip-Z                   [email protected]
Julie Salas                     Pathways Academy                            [email protected]