Diamond BarHigh School

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Thanksgiving Break - Nov 25-29          Late Start Schedule - Wed, Dec 4          Rally Schedule - Fri, Dec 6

Students SKYPE With Holocaust Survivor

On February 20th, during Block 7, our Pathways sophomores SKYPEd with a Holocaust survivor through the Museum of Tolerance. The students in this Pathways English class had just finished reading the novel, "Night", by Elie Wiesel and wanted a way to further connect with the novel and themes.

Students listened to Holocaust survivor, and Los Angeles local, Peter Daniels. Mr. Daniels shared his story of how he and his mother survived selection in a detention camp in Czechoslovakia during World War II. Students in Mr. Maine's and Mr. Woolston's Video/English course were also given time to ask questions at the end of the presentation directly to Mr. Daniels. Their teachers hope this is an experience they will not forget, and will translate to more tolerance on campus.