Diamond BarHigh School

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Summer School - June 10 - July 18        Fall Registration/GLC Meetings - July 8 - August 1        First Day Of School - Mon, August 12


Class of 2024                                                            Updated 6/13


Class of 2024, we will use this as our official webpage to communicate with you.

Please check back weekly for updates.


Grade Level Coordinators

Marc Natividad, GLC Last Names (A-Lin)   [email protected]   909-594-1405 ext.33556

Ginger Zimmerman, GLC Last Names (Lio-Z)   [email protected]    909-594-1405 ext.33554


Office Locations

Mr. Natividad - Room 556

Mrs. Zimmerman - Room - 554


Find your GLC at Brunch or Lunch

Mr. Natividad supervises: Bottom of Double Stairs and Back of 400/500

Mrs. Zimmerman supervises: Music Building



DBHS Information:

Brahma Briefing

Please read through this weeks Brahma Briefing: https://secure.smore.com/n/rkm8z

FINAL Transcripts
Final transcripts are ordered online through Parchment: https://dbhs.wvusd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=167814&type=d&pREC_ID=345011
  • You can set up your account now so you are ready to send.
  • Sending final transcripts is your responsibility. DBHS does not do this for you so make sure to request those transcripts on June 19th.
  • Once requested through Parchment, transcripts are sent within a day or two.
  • Please contact our registrar if your Transcript is not sent within 2 business days.
High School Diplomas
If you still need to pick up your diploma please know they can be picked up at DBHS during normal work hours.
School Gmail accounts
In late JUNE, graduating seniors will NO LONGER BE ABLE ACCESS THEIR SCHOOL GOOGLE ACCOUNTS, including Gmail. If you want to keep copies of some or all of your files, you will need to make a copy of them for download and move them to a personal account or just copy them directly to a personal account. Don’t procrastinate and lose access to files you may want in the future.
Please see the Class of 2024 Google classroom on steps to save your files.
End of Year Senior Meeting
We met with all Seniors on Thursday, April 18th, and shared a lot of important information regarding the end of the school year and life after DBHS. Please look through our Presentation, posted below, and use these slides as talking points in your home. We wish every Senior the best and hope they all make good choices as we finish this school year.
Deficient grades and schedule changes: 
  1. Graduation: All students must pass any graduation requirements with a D- or higher to earn a diploma from DBHS. 
  2. College/University: If a student earns a deficient grade (D or F) or if a student drops a class off their schedule, then they must report these deficient grades or schedule changes to any University they applied to.
Senior Bulletin - READ!
We polled every senior class to see how many of them have been reading the Senior Bulletin. It was worrisome to see that most are not reading this valuable resource. Students need to take responsibility for their future, know what they are supposed to be doing, and read things that pertain to them. The Senior Bulletin takes about 10-15 minutes to read through and EVERY student should be putting this time into their futures. These can be found at the bottom of this page.

The Bullsheet

Please visit this link to see our weekly Bullsheet. These announcements are typically read Monday during 4th period. This provides an excellent opportunity to see all the events for this week.


College Search Process:

Diamond Bar High School's code number (CEEB Code) is 050748. You will need this number to register for tests and to complete college applications.



Our state priority deadline for FAFSA has been extended from April 2, 2024, to May 2, 2024. Please complete ASAP. You must complete FAFSA, CADAA, or the Opt-Out form as this is a Graduation Requirement. 

Please upload proof of your completion to our Class of 2024 Google classroom so we can notify the State of California that you have met this requirement.


Community College
Mt. SAC had concluded their enrollment here on our campus but there is still plenty of time to apply. Mt. SAC has plenty of opportunities outside of DBHS for students to get assistance with their Application and FAFSA. Please see the Flyers below for more information. 



College Search Process

Bentley University has put together a terrific resource for the college search process, Admission 101 series. It is filled with insightful, easy-to-understand content that will make this process a little easier. Please click on the Link to the right, 'Off Campus Opportunities,' for more information.



University Applications

UC and CSU Applications are now closed. However, you can still check with some CSU's to see if they are accepting applications.


Common Application - Some universities use a rolling admission so you can still apply if this is the case with one of the universities you are still looking to apply to. 


Major Clarity - Academic and Career Exploration
Website: https://app.paper.co/majorclarity
Login: Select “Continue with Google” and use your WVUSD google account to log in
- Major Clarity is built to provide academic advising for all learners. Students achieve better outcomes with postsecondary education—but that education can take many forms. A technical certification, two- and four-year degrees, an apprenticeship as a Hollywood stunt double: all can mean success for the right student. That’s why we start by asking “What are you passionate about changing in the world?” We help students explore a variety of relevant opportunities, and ultimately select a path that addresses their specific goals.
Steps you should complete:
1) Personality Assessment (5 minute, first step, repeatable)
2) My Portfolio
    a) Start Resume 
    b) Start Career Plan (Career goal)
    c) Explore Scholarships
    d) Microcredential course
3) Microcredential courses offered: Cybersecurity Technology, Energy, General Employability Soft Skills, HVAC, Medical Services, Nursing, Software Programing, Virtual Etiquette
-Your course history and grades have been uploaded to this platform.
-Our College and Career counselor, Mrs. Ayala, is happy to assist you with this program.
College and Career Unit
Mr. Natividad and Mrs. Zimmerman completed our College and Career unit. All resources, including the PowerPoint as a pdf document, are posted below.
Complete the Career Zone Interest Profiler. This can be completed year after year and as many times as wanted. Please be honest when answering these questions. The Interest Profiler helps you decide what kinds of occupations and jobs you might want to explore based on your interests along with how to attain those jobs.





Due Process Presentation
We are looking forward to another great year with our 12th graders. Our Due Process Meeting was held on August 18th, during English class. During this meeting we discussed school rules, procedures and all of the supports located on our campus. The presentation is now posted below for you to view. 
**Each student, parent and/or guardian needs to read through the Student Handbook which can be found under the student drop down menu or purchased through USB. 


Athletic Updates:
1) Summer Sports Camps:
2) All athletes must be cleared prior to any activity: https://dbhssports.org/sports-physicals-info/
2) Athletics: This week's events. Click here: https://dbhssports.org/
3) Tryout information can be found here: https://dbhssports.org/



We are writing to make you aware of a major safety concern facing our society at this time – fentanyl overdoses. As you may have heard in the recent tragic news, teenagers have died or have been hospitalized due to fentanyl overdoses both on southern California school campuses and at home.
Fentanyl deaths are projected to double in the year ahead.  Drug cartels are making illicit fentanyl and purposely and deceptively adding it to other drugs, even prescription drugs, to make them cheaper, more powerful, more addictive, and more dangerous.  Fentanyl can be added to any drug or pill without any visible signs, making it impossible for anyone to know if they are ingesting this deadly substance until it is too late. 
Students, we care about you and want only the best for you.  Please be safe and make good decisions. Do not take any pills unless prescribed by a doctor.  Do not take any pills or drugs given to you, whether it be by a friend or stranger - you simply don’t know if even just one pill might hurt you. 
These two videos show the dangers of this drug. 

Dead On Arrival (21 minutes long) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJgPmrLjkuo

 For Eli – Fentanyl Crisis PSA and Testimonial (6 minutes long) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEQHOQdrQJc


Dress Code
Please know that if you are found in violation of our DBHS dress code, please see 'Student Handbook', then you will receive one hour of SWAP to be served on a Saturday. https://4.files.edl.io/2b24/09/16/21/224531-4aefcfcb-97d5-4f3a-b43f-4397123dcf9c.pdf

Family Support Group

The teen and adolescent years are a time of transition from childhood into adulthood. Adolescents and teens often struggle with being dependent on their parents while having a strong desire to be independent. At the same time, they may be facing a number of pressures, from friends to fit in and from parents to do well in school or sports. As a result many suffer from depression and anxiety.
With over 20 years in the practice Nancy Stoops and her registered therapy dog Jaida, will help you and your family live a healthy lifestyle by helping you gain the skills for parenting without the pain, reaching realistic goals,  coping through the pressures of being an adolescent or teen, handling anxiety of starting a new school year,  bullying, building healthy friendships and more. The benefits of the support group are endless and can handle an array of counseling needs.
The group meets every Monday from 6pm-8pm at the Walnut Senior Center. No reservations needed. See pdf below.

California Proficiency Program (CPP) https://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/cp.asp



Letter of Recommendation materials
Below you will find our presentation describing the process of requesting a Letter of Recommendation from your GLC and Teacher.