Diamond BarHigh School

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De Cambra, Shari » Parent Letter

Parent Letter

I am pleased to have your child in my class. I love math and even though I do not expect the same from your child, I do want them to at least have that opportunity. Success in a math class depends on a variety of things. Your child must do his or her homework daily. If your child needs help, please have him or her ask. I am available both before and after school for math help. And if I am not available, there is always at least one math teacher available before school, after school, and at lunch to answer your child's questions.
Enclosed your will find the course outline for your child's math class. Please take the time to read through it so that you are aware of what I expect from your child. I believer that a student has a much better chance at success if he or she knows the teacher's expectations. I also believe that if the parents are informed of what is expected from their child, the student will be more likely to adhere to these expectations.
If there is any way that I can be of service to your or your child, please do not hesitate to ask. I can be reached at Diamond Bar High School at (909) 594-1405. Leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Mrs. Shari De Cambra
Student's Name_______________________________
Parents' Name(s)______________________________
Phone Number________________________________
Daytime Phone Number__________________________
Parents, could you please sign below just so that I know you have seen the course outline. Also, please have your child sign to acknowledge that he/she understands the expectations set for him/her in this class. Thank you!
__________________ __________________
Parent's signature Student's signature