Diamond BarHigh School

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Fall Registration/GLC Meetings - July 8 - August 1        First Day Of School - Mon, August 12
Hansen, Michelle » Letters of Recommendation

Letters of Recommendation

You MUST ASK ME to write a letter of recommendation - do NOT ASSUME that I will  write one for you.  I will  be writing a very limited number of recommendations so be prepared.  If you spoke to me last May or emailed me over the summer regarding letters of rec, you will need to talk to me during the first 2 weeks of school.   
When choosing your teachers to write letters, you really need to pick the ones that know you the best.  Honestly, if you have never spoken to me in class and you only put in seat time, it will be extremely difficult for me to write a letter and it won't be a "good" one. 
If you were less than honest last year, think twice about asking me.........  
Once we have talked & if I have agreed to write your letter, print out and complete the appropriate form below - FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS. 
My deadline for turning in all requested info MAY BE DIFFERENT than your GLC.  It is a firm deadline!! 
If your first letter of recommendation is due on/prior to November 15th, then your COMPLETED packet is due on September 18th.  If your first letter is due after November 15th, then your COMPLETED packet is due on October 9th.  I will not accept any late recommendation requests and I will not take any late packets.   Please request me on Common App (NOTE: you need to "assign" me to your schools) and university app on/before you hand me the completed packet.   Late packets will mean no recommendation.
Failure to follow my guidelines may result in your applications being late and/or not done at all.
Do NOT remind me to do your recommendation........ 
You MUST ASK ME to write a letter of recommendation - do NOT ASSUME that I will write one for you.  I will only be writing a very limited number of recommendations so be prepared.   
  • I will not write any letters while I am still writing college letters of recommendation.
  • I will not write any letters that have due dates before March
  • I will not write letters multiple times for different programs - have them all ready to go - I will write letters 1 time for a max of 2 programs.  Please be organized and have all info/applications ready to go.
Once we have talked, please print out and complete the appropriate form below - FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS. 
Please allow 3 WEEKS for me to write your letter -  plan ahead!  
Please keep in mind, the more information I have from you, the better your letter will be. 
If you have never spoken to me in class and you only put in seat time, please do not ask me to write your recommendation.  It will be extremely difficult to write and it really won't be a good one. 
Failure to follow my guidelines may result in your applications being late and/or not done at all.
Do not remind me to do your recommendation...........
Thank you,
Mrs. Hansen