Diamond BarHigh School

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Class of 2028                                                 Updated 7/9

Incoming Freshman

Class of 2028, we will use this as our official webpage to communicate with you.

Please check back for updates.


Grade Level Coordinators

Marc Natividad, GLC Last Names (A-Lim)   [email protected]   

Ginger Zimmerman, GLC Last Names (Lin-Z)   [email protected]   




DBHS Information:

GLC Registration Appointment:

We are now meeting with students and their families to discuss the 2024-2025 school year. Please make sure to attend your scheduled appointment. Also, read through the below document titled: '2028 Freshman Student Parent Information Handbook'


Brahma Briefing 

Please read through this weeks Brahma Briefing: https://secure.smore.com/n/jh8sz


Course Registration:

At this time, please do NOT alter your academic plan as these changes would not be reflected in your course selection. If you need to make any changes, we can do so at your GLC appointment.

For new students, once enrolled:

1) Please pick up a packet from our Registrar, Mrs. Han. Complete your course selection using the documents below.

2) Once completed, turn in your Course Registration card to our main office. They will place the card in your GLC's mailbox and we will make sure to get your course selection into our system.


* Use our DBHS website to find our Course Description booklet, Summer School information, and information about all the Programs we offer.


* Please use the documents below to help you complete your course registration card.




Athletic Director: Kurt Davies

Athletic Updates:
1) Summer Camps: https://dbhssports.org/
2) All athletes must be cleared prior to any activity: https://dbhssports.org/sports-physicals-info/
2) Athletics: This week's events. Click here: https://dbhssports.org/
3) Tryout information can be found here: https://dbhssports.org/


We are writing to make you aware of a major safety concern facing our society at this time – fentanyl overdoses. As you may have heard in the recent tragic news, teenagers have died or have been hospitalized due to fentanyl overdoses both on southern California school campuses and at home.
Fentanyl deaths are projected to double in the year ahead.  Drug cartels are making illicit fentanyl and purposely and deceptively adding it to other drugs, even prescription drugs, to make them cheaper, more powerful, more addictive, and more dangerous.  Fentanyl can be added to any drug or pill without any visible signs, making it impossible for anyone to know if they are ingesting this deadly substance until it is too late. 
Students, we care about you and want only the best for you.  Please be safe and make good decisions. Do not take any pills unless prescribed by a doctor.  Do not take any pills or drugs given to you, whether it be by a friend or stranger - you simply don’t know if even just one pill might hurt you. 
These two videos show the dangers of this drug. 
Dead On Arrival (21 minutes long) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJgPmrLjkuo
For Eli – Fentanyl Crisis PSA and Testimonial (6 minutes long) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEQHOQdrQJc
Dress Code
Please know that if you are found in violation of our DBHS dress code, please see 'Student Handbook', then you will receive one hour of SWAP to be served on a Saturday. https://4.files.edl.io/2b24/09/16/21/224531-4aefcfcb-97d5-4f3a-b43f-4397123dcf9c.pdf
Family Support Group
The teen and adolescent years are a time of transition from childhood into adulthood. Adolescents and teens often struggle with being dependent on their parents while having a strong desire to be independent. At the same time, they may be facing a number of pressures, from friends to fit in and from parents to do well in school or sports. As a result many suffer from depression and anxiety.
With over 20 years in the practice Nancy Stoops and her registered therapy dog Jaida, will help you and your family live a healthy lifestyle by helping you gain the skills for parenting without the pain, reaching realistic goals,  coping through the pressures of being an adolescent or teen, handling anxiety of starting a new school year,  bullying, building healthy friendships and more. The benefits of the support group are endless and can handle an array of counseling needs.
The group meets every Monday from 6pm-8pm at the Walnut Senior Center. No reservations needed. See pdf below.
California Proficiency Program (CPP) https://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/cp.asp
Freshman Student Parent Information Handbook. PLEASE read.