Diamond BarHigh School

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Fall Registration/GLC Meetings - July 8 - August 1        First Day Of School - Mon, August 12

Math Madness!

Diamond Bar High School is the 2015-2016 National Math Madness, Division 2E Champions.
Math Madness is an exciting live competition that occurs in the fall.  Ask your math teachers about how you can be involved in Math Madness!
Math Madness is beginning this month!!!! Get ready, September 27 will be our first competition. Competitions will be in rooms in the 600 building on Wednesdays, starting at 4:10pm. You will have 30 minutes to complete 6-8 problems. Our top five scores contribute to our team scores. This is an exciting competition against teams from other schools across the country with real-time tracking of our scores. Go Brahmas!

After-match follow up November 15: Brahmas competed in the Sweet Sixteen round!

Hey, Everyone-

Math Madness Update: The Brahma mathletes just fought hard but went down in defeat to St. Mark’s School of Texas. 26-35.


We had 33 students competing today: Some stars who can earn 5-8 points for the team in any given match and some who have victories scoring 1 or 2 points each time. The consistent participation of all of these students is what allows DBHS to remain a highly-ranked competition math school. I’m going to list all of our mathletes from today’s competition below. Please recognize their efforts if you see them.


The math team just finished a tough two weeks with five competitions, three in the last two days. This includes the American Mathematics Competition from which we will have several students move on to the American Invitational in February. Brahmas keep on problem solving! 😊


Special Thanks to Coach Damien Mair for helping out all season and for Coach Jimmy Kuo for helping yesterday and today!


Here are the stars:

  • Kevin Kim(7/8)
  • Nathan Tien(6/8)
  • Carl L(5/8)
  • Russell Kuo(4/8)
  • Zirui Chen(4/8)
  • yizhe shan(4/8)
  • JUnjie Yang(4/8)
  • Eric Zhang(4/8)
  • Yuxi Zhu(4/8)
  • Bryce Chang(4/8)
  • Jay Tsuei
  • Ryan Wen
  • Jennifer Cheng
  • Jayden Chen
  • Brian Huang
  • Lawrence Park
  • Haoyang Li
  • Jihong Han
  • Nicole Lin
  • William Wang
  • Henry Chen
  • Aidan Hong
  • Felix Peng
  • Lucas Lee
  • Charles Chang
  • Arthy Chaisakulchai
  • Ocean Huynh Do
  • Matthew Liu
  • Zachary Zhi
  • Kelly Cho
  • Zhengxin Yang
  • Wynsten Pangestu
  • Joshua Sugiarto

After-match follow up. November 1:

We did well this week in Math Madness! Our opponent competed Friday morning, and we won 33-19. We are currently #13 in the nation, counting our top five scorers. Our opponent next week will be much tougher. They are ranked #19.
Special Thanks for Coach Mair for supporting our team!
Be ready Brahmas. This is our time to shine!!!
Here are the top scorers from this week.  Great job!!!
  • Bryce Chang (7/8)
  • Nathan Tien (7/8)
  • Brian Huang (7/8)
  • Carl L (6/8)
  • Jennifer Cheng (6/8)
  • Lucas Lee (5/8)
  • Irene Oh (5/8)
  • Matthew Liu (5/8)
  • Zirui Chen (5/8)
  • Jayden Chen (5/8)
  • Eric Zhang (5/8)
  • Jay Tsuei (5/8)

After-match follow up. October 25: Your mathletes entered this week’s competition ranked 7th in the country. We tackled some really tough problems with about 50 participating students. I will paste the top scorers below. Please recognize their outstanding work if you see them. We won our qualifying match this week with a score of 35-26 over Belmont Hill School in Massachusetts. Thanks again to coach Mair for coming to help push us to victory. Next week we start tournament play. Go Brahmas!

Math Madness 102523


After-match follow up. October 18: The Brahmas won our first Math Madness match with a perfect score of 40/40! For an exciting finish, we were at 39 points with a minute left when our vice president Jennifer Cheng came through to finish her perfect score and raise the team up to 40 points! All of our high scorers are listed below. If you know these students, please congratulate them! This was a fantastic showing for the Brahmas! Note: we had forty students competing and the top five scores count for the team score.

Special thanks to Math Coach Damien Mair for helping to guide these mathletes to victory!

Go Brahmas!!!

Math Madness Leaderboard 101823


Here are the Math Madness competition dates. Remember Brahmas always compete on Wednesday (unless we don't!):

Sep 27:          Practice Round

Oct 4:            Collaboration Round I

Oct 11:          Collaboration Round II

Oct 18:          Qualifying Round I

Oct 25:          Qualifying Round II

Nov 1:           Bracket Round I (Single Elimination - all teams are assigned to one of a series of brackets)

Nov 8:           Bracket Round II 

Nov 15:         Bracket Round III

Nov 29:         Bracket Round IV 

Dec 6:            Bracket Round V

Dec 13:          Championship Round